The HHS Mandate in the Eighth Circuit
Eighth Circuit (North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas)
Court of Appeals
Five cases have been appealed to the Court of Appeals.
- Nebraska ex rel. Bruning v. U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Servs.,No. 12-3238 (8th Cir. 2013), voluntarily dismissed.
- O'Brien v. U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Servs., No. 12-3357 (8th Cir. 2012), injunction pending appeal granted.
- Annex Med., Inc. v. Sebelius, 2013 WL 1276025 (8th Cir. 2013), (8th Cir. 2013), injunction pending appeal granted.
- Am. Pulverizer Co. v. U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Servs., No. 13-1395(8th Cir. 2013), held in abeyance.
- Wieland, et al. v. HHS, et al. No. 13-3528 (8th Cir.2013), injunction pending appeal denied.
District Court
Nineteen Cases have been filed.
- Nebraska ex rel. Bruning v. U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Servs., 877 F. Supp. 2d 777 (D. Neb. 2012).
- Annex Med., Inc. v. Sebelius, CIV. 12-2804 DSD/SER, 2013 WL 203526 (D. Minn. Jan. 17, 2013).
- Hall, et al. v. Sebelius, et al. No. 13-0295 (D.Minn. Apr. 2, 2013).
- SMA, LLC, et al. v. Sebelius, et al., No. 13-1375 (D. Minn. July 8, 2013).
- Daniel Medford, et al. v. Sebelius, et al. No. 13-1726 (D. Minn. July 2, 2013).
- Feltl & Co., Inc., et al. v. Sebelius, et al.No. 13-2635 (D. Minn. Nov. 5, 2013).
- Doboszenski v. Sebelius, et al.,No. 13-3148 (D. Minn. Nov. 27, 2013).
- Hastings Chrysler Center, Inc., et al. v. Sebelius, et al., No. 14-0265(D.Minn. Jan. 29, 2014).
- O'Brien v. U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Servs., 894 F. Supp. 2d 1149 (E.D. Mo. 2012).
- Archdiocese of Saint Louis v. Sebelius, No. 13-2300 (E.D. Mo. Nov. 14, 2013).
- College of the Ozarks v. Sebelius, No. 12-03428(W.D. Mo. Jan. 16, 2013).
- American Pulverizer Co. v. U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Servs.No. 12-03459 (W.D. Mo. Dec. 20, 2012).
- Sharpe Holdings, Inc. v. U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Servs., 2:12 CV 92 DDN, 2013 WL 6858588 (E.D. Mo. Dec. 30, 2013).
- Sioux Chief Mfg. Co. v. Kathleen Sebelius, No. 13-0036- (W.D. Mo. Feb. 28, 2013).
- Bick Holdings, Inc., et al. v. Sebelius, et al., No. 13-00462 (E.D. Mo. Apr. 1, 2013).
- School of the Ozarks v. Sebelius, et al., No. 13-3157 (W.D. Mo. Apr. 19, 2013).
- Wieland v. U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Servs., 4:13CV1577JCH, 2013 WL 5651391 (E.D. Mo. Oct. 16, 2013).
- Randy Reed Automotive v. Sebelius, No. 13-6117 (W.D. Mo. Dec. 3, 2013).
- Dordt College, et al. v. Sebelius, et al. No.13-4100(N.D. Ia. Oct. 23, 2013).
North Dakota
No cases have been filed.
South Dakota
No cases have been filed.
No cases have been filed.