Christian Legal Society’s Articles Regarding the HHS Mandate
The Center has published several short pieces explaining the threat that the Mandate poses to religious liberty, including:
“Religious Liberty in the Supreme Court’s New Term” by Kim Colby, Journal of Christian Legal Thought, Fall 2013
“Religious Liberty in the Marketplace: A Tale of Two Families and Two Courts” by Kim Colby, The Christian Lawyer, Fall 2013
"The HHS Mandate and the Pretense of Choice" Kim Colby, The Christian Lawyer, Summer 2013
“Midway” by Kim Colby, Journal of Christian Legal Thought, Fall 2012
“Religious Liberty Spring?” by Kim Colby, The Christian Lawyer, Spring 2012
“Religious and Civil Liberties Groups Urge Supreme Court To Defend RFRA” Christian Legal Society News Release, January 28, 2014
Also check out Professor Doug Laycock’s contribution to the Scotusblog Symposium on the HHS Mandate based on his brief for CLS in the Supreme Court [link to Scotusblog symposium page for Laycock], and Professor Rick Garnett’s excellent contribution. [link to http://www.scotusblog.com/2014/02/symposium-accommodations-religious-freedom-and-the-hobby-lobby-case/]