

Monthly Bible Study

Our monthly Bible study, discussion and fellowship is held from noon to 1:00 on the fourth Tuesday of the month at the offices of Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP, 555 South Flower Street, Suite 2900, Los Angeles, 90071.  Bring your own Bible and lunch.  Notice of the monthly Bible study includes the topic for the month, which often focuses on some aspect of facilitating the integration of our faith and practice.  Recent topics have included the following:

  • Are You Your Co-Worker’s Adversary or Advocate?  A Look at Competition in the Workplace
  • Puzzling Paradoxes of Paradise: The Denying, Decreasing, Deader than a Doornail – Delighted Disciple
  • Prayer in the Workplace
  • The Wonderful Counselor and the Peace that Passes Understanding

For more information, please contact Nina Levin:


Other Events

We generally hold a fellowship luncheon or an educational program every few months.  The educational programs feature a guest speaker or panel and usually offer MCLE credit.  All of our events are designed to provide opportunities for fellowship and for personal and professional growth.  We encourage you to attend.  If you have any ideas for programs, or would like to get on our email list, feel free to contact us.

Notice of Upcoming Events in Los Angeles

Notice of all upcoming events is sent out by e-mail.  To be put on the e-mail list, please contact Nina Levin:  Please note that we do not share our e-mail list with any organization other than the national Christian Legal Society.

Recent Events in Los Angeles

Our most recent luncheon program was a presentation by Steve Tuggy, President of Christian Legal Society and Litigation Partner at Locke Lord LLP, on Christian Legal Society: Goals and Initiatives for 2013.  It was an opportunity not only to learn what the national organization is doing but to provide input on what CLS can do to be of more benefit to its members and their practices.