The Center for Law & Religious Freedom

Other Student Groups Have Pressured University Officials

Other student groups sometimes actively pressure a law school to deny CLS the same recognition they enjoy.
In 2003, a member of the Outlaw chapter at Ohio State University’s Moritz College of Law filed a formal complaint demanding that the law school derecognize the CLS chapter because its officers and members signed a statement of faith agreeing, among other things, to comply with scriptural standards of sexual morality. When university officials threatened to withdraw recognition, CLS filed suit.  In response, the university amended its policy to allow religious student groups to “adopt a nondiscrimination statement that is consistent” with their sincerely held religious beliefs. 

Recently, the Iowa Campaign for Human Rights student group at University of Iowa School of Law circulated a petition urging the university to deny funds to the CLS chapter. Adam Sullivan, UI Christian Legal Society’s Funding Under Fire, Daily Iowan, Mar. 3, 2009